Truckee Tahoe Air Show & Family Festival sponsors make an impact on the lives of Truckee North Tahoe youth, as most all sponsorship dollars go back to local youth.
The Truckee Tahoe Airport District generously funds most all of the show’s operational costs as a gift to the community. The Air Show & Family Festival promotes its sponsors through signage, advertisements, PR efforts and much more.
2024 Sponsorship information is available Please contact, Joan Zappettini for more information at joanzappettini@gmail.com.
Here‘s a glimpse at a few ways YOUR sponsorship dollars benefit our youth:
Each year the Truckee Optimist Club provides over $50,000 for local youth sports and educational programs. The club awards $15,000 in college and trade school scholarships annually. The organization’s goal this year is to increase the scholarship awards to $20,000 for graduating seniors.
KidZone Museum greatly depends on funding from the TTAS&FF for the Museum’s operational costs including paying staff, supporting children’s programs, paying utilities and renting the facility. It costs $25,000 a month to run the Museum. Funds from the TTAS&FF are critical to the longevity of the Museum and to the quality of staff and programs.
Each year EAA Chapter 1073 fully supports, financially, three young aspiring pilots ages 13 to 17 to the EAA Air Academy in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. EAA Chapter 1073 needs to raise close to $8,000 to continue this program. In addition, they give FREE flights to kids ages 8-17 the day after the TTAS&FF, on Sunday, September 12 (depending on COVID-19 guidelines). This generous offering costs EAA local Chapter 1073 over $7,000 each year.